Friday, October 2, 2009


So I started with the top picture taken under the Penobscot bridge down the road from the school. I used the old photo filter tool to make it look like the bottom one, and smudged the border a little more too make it look a little bit more old fashioned. I also smudged some of the clouds and added lighter parts so you could still kind of tell it was light when the picture was taken even without the colors.


  1. This really cool Jessi! At my house we have these books with old pictures of Bangor in them from over 50 years ago, and this looks like it could be one of them.

  2. I really like this. I was thinking something similar to Katy. I know Bangor is really old, and it would be really interesting to compare this to some of the old ones taken, if not from this spot, then from at least somewhere w/ similar perspective.
