Friday, October 2, 2009

My foot (surreal I guess)

The top photo is the edited version and bottom is the original.

There were a total of seven layers--background, one for each foot, and two for the clouds. I needed a separate layer for each foot so I could easily change the color (desaturate) of each individual foot. Again, scissors select tool enabled me to cleanly cut out the foot.

I originally made this in horizontal with the same sky background, but I thought vertical would make more sense. Changing it to vertical meant I had to cut out the clouds, scale them, and rotate them. Even on the blue sky background I didn't like them so white, so I used the fuzzy select tool (selects an area with the same color) and color picker (enabled we to get the right tone to which I changed the shade) to change them to the color I wanted.

I decided to play around with the color of the background; I wanted it so that the color of the sky faded as the saturation of the feet faded down the image. While using the gradient tool, I decided to put it on a mode other than normal (grain extract), which changed the top half to purplish and the bottom to white. Not exactly what I had in mind, but I like it. If you put the gradient tool and anything other than normal, be prepared to use Ctrl-z because there really is no way to tell what you'll end up getting.

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