Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama Logo

As you can probably tell, I have a sort of interest in things pertaining to Barak Obama including both his ninja skills and now his logo. I started off with a blue circle, then used the small dot on the side to turn it into a semicircle. I then created another semicircle, only I made it white and smaller, and put it into the middle of the big blue one. After that, I copied the blue semicircle and pasted it to get an exact replica, which I then flipped vertically and made it red so that the two semicircles would be reflections of each other and make the "O." The stripes were a little difficult to make because I couldn't really think of how to make them (no erase/paintbrush tools) so I decided on making elongated ovals and rotating them to look like stripes. Finally, I made the edges of both of the semicircles slightly blurry by selecting them then right clicking and going Fill and Stroke where you can adjust the blur of the object as well as other things.

1 comment:

  1. This looks really cool Cody! It looks pretty much like the actual logo. The blurriness is cool, it adds a softness to the logo.
