Friday, October 30, 2009

Crayons, ALL GNU.

This is an advertisement for a crayon company Proseart. It's a pun of Roseart, which might I add, is the crappiest crayon company ever. The crayons would be better as candles, they're so waxy. Anywhom.
For the background, I used gimp and just colored in the roygbiv rainbow colors with a paintbrush. Then I used iWarp to swirl them all around. Then, I created a new layer and made it completely black. I took the eraser tool and erased a lot of the black to make the rainbow show, but still give the illusion of the rainbow background being in the front. Then I added my star from inkscape. For the letters, I just typed them out with white and smudged them slightly to make them more ~swirly~ like the rest of the picture. The slogan comes from the definition of prose, which is "ordinary writing as distinguished from verse."


  1. I love the background its all trippy and shtuff.....great job!

  2. I really like this. The black streaks do a good job of distinguishing the logo from the background, but if you could make the background colors a little more vibrant (though not to the degree of the logo), I think you could make the whole thing "pop" a little more.

  3. This is really cool. Good job!

  4. Thanks guys!

    I was thinking that too Anna, but I didn't want to mess with it too much because the iWarp is really fickle and tricky to get the products you want, so I didn't want to mess around with the big rainbow wave to the right hand side.
