Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I made this logo in a spark of randomness that came upon me. Originally, I had just wanted the penguin but then I thought of what I could add to the penguin to make it better. Then it hit me... Pope Hat! And thus POPEnguin car insurance was born. For the slogan I'm thinking of something like: "Popenguin car insurance. Sure, our company makes no sense. But you know what we know makes sense? Saving money."
As for the design of the logo, I started off using the circle tool for the body, head, eyes, and white belly. For the wings, I created a thin oval and used the wave tool to manipulate it into a wing-like shape, then copied it and rotated the copy to have two identical and symmetrical wings. I used the same method to make the feet. For the beak, I created a triangle and used the shift function to make it more round, then used the wave tool again to form it into more of a beak-shape. The pope hat was drawn completely with the freehand line tool.


  1. That's so ridiculous that it's funny. It's almost as strange as the Gieko commercials.

  2. this thing is awesome. great work with making the penguin, i am jealous of your skill with inkscape

  3. This picture is a win. Everything about it came out really well

  4. Wow this one is really good, i like it alot :D this is a total win

  5. it's so cool i love this carictar ..

  6. Its almost as if the pope hat was meant for a penguin
