Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I started off by created a star, and then I added one of the swirls into the middle of it, which you can't see any more. I added the light blue stars into the sides of it, making one and then copying and pasting it around the star. I then created a pentagram and made a green color, and copied and pasted it around the little stars. I then made a white triangle and did the same to all of the pentagrams. I made an orange-ish triangle and placed it within the points of the stars. I realized then that the green pentagrams and triangles reminded me of the Recycling symbol, so I made a larger one of those and placed it in the exact middle. This would be a logo for a recycling company.


  1. I really like the colors you use, they are very bright and they drew my eyes to it. I immediately thought of the recycling symbol when I saw the green so good job!

  2. This would deffinately catch my attention a lot easier than the regular recycling symbol. and I agree with kristen with the colors thing. good job! :]

  3. Thank you both; I seem to have a thing with bright colors in designs, but sometimes dark colors too, so i guess I'm a little bipolar. ^_^
