Friday, October 30, 2009

This ad is for a multimedia printing company. They emphasize taking their client's idea and putting it pretty much anywhere.

For each "image," I had to find the starting picture online and then add the logo to it. In total, I actually had about 5 gimp documents open at once. Once each image had the logo, I had to save it as a png with transparent background and import it into the final ad. When the dimensions of the canvas were set, it was pretty simple just to move around the images to where they needed to go. I added a white background with a light blue gradient; solid white was too boring. The text boxes were simple, as was adding the logo and description. Hope you guys like it. I'm pretty happy with it.


  1. This is one of my favorites because I could actually see it as an advertisement. It looks like something that would pop up while you're trying to browse the internet!

  2. Thanks. That was kind of my goal. I wanted to create a poster type ad.
