Friday, October 2, 2009

Lion-Fish & Fish-Lion



I merged a lion-fish with a lion and vice-versa. i copied and pasted the head of the lion onto the fish and the fish head onto the lion. I then used the scale tool to correct the size of the head, after which I used a layermask to make the area surrounding the new head transparent. I also used the clone tool to fill in gaps and spaces that needed to be filled in, because the fish had some of its head sticking out past the lions so I cloned the water over the fish's head.


  1. I watched you make this and im still very impressed.

  2. Dude this is awesome. You really blended them perfectly together. I like the one with the fish body and the lion head a little better because everything pops out. The lion fish head blends in a little with the grass background in the safari picture.

  3. Wow. I don't know how you blended the images so smoothly, but it's amazing.

    It is a little hard to tell the lion-fish's head from the grass; try selecting the lion, pasting it onto a new layer, and blurring the original background. I think a blur would be enough to distinguish the lion-fish since it's so detailed.

  4. I agree with Katy, but I'd use the sharpen tool on the lion fish's head instead. That way you get a similar effect but you don't lose anything in the background. Also, I'm not sure if this is intentional, but the back of the lion's head and his mane really looks wet, great job on that one

  5. This is amazing. You did a really nice job of putting the faces of the other animals. I like the way that you blended the lions head and fur into the fish. Great job
