Monday, October 5, 2009


I did this photo during programming class. I edited my tree to try and put it into a winter scene. I used the airbrush to add a thin layer of frost/ice to the road, and to add the snow falling and being blown by the wind. I painted over the grass and roof with white, and a little on the tree, but it looks fairly bad. I also failed in my attempt to remove the leaves. I blurred most of the photo, and I blurred the snow an extra amount to make it look more snowy.

1 comment:

  1. Well Asianpants, it is definitely a winter scene! I like the misty fog at the top. The main problem with this is that you put the background snow on the foreground, which makes a very confusing clash for the ocular region. The snowbank in the background looks as though its a huge lump of snow sitting on top of the tree. The rest of the snow on the tree looks nice tho.
