Friday, October 2, 2009

Darth Squirrel

For this picture I took a picture of a Squirrel and pasted a new layer of just a light saber. Then erased around the light and pasted it on top then once it was set in place by shrinking it and rotating it I erased the parts that would be in the hands and where the head was. Then after doing that I anchored it down on top. Then I added a mask of Darth Vader down on to a new layer. Then moved it to fit the squirrel then after fitting it i blurred it a little to match the blur of the top of the picture. After doing that I anchored that layer down so they were all together. Now we have Darth Squirrel


  1. This is really funny. The scaling worked out really well. The hands on the squirrel are really good; how did you get the hands on top of the saber? Layer mask?

  2. I set the lightsaber as a second layer then erased the hands around it
