Thursday, October 1, 2009

Devil Cat

This is the original of my cat Dominno. There is this trick she does sometimes when you hold a brush above her head, she will stand up and bump it. I was trying to capture that in a picture, and i eventually did, but this was the result of taking a picture of her when she was yawning.
What I would like to say first is I had started doing this earlier in the week in class, but unbekownest to me, layers doen't save in .jpeg so i had to start over.

The first thing I did here was to whiten her teeth. I had gone to Moodle when we started editing photos to see what was posted for extra information. One of the things was about teeth whitening. So i followed that, and what I did was zoom in to 400% and switched to a fuzzy brush. Then I started lightening her teeth with it, varying pressure until I got the white I wanted. Next I selected a picture of a dragon with flames, and posted it on a transparent layer. I then proceeded to erase all but the flames, getting as close as i could. Then I rotated the flame so it looked like it was coming out of the cat's mouth.

Then I selected a picture of a devil horn headband and posted it on a new layer. I erased the headband until I had just the horns left. I realized that I could only use one of the horn because when I went to rotate, it was doing them both. So I kept the left one and erased the right one. I copied the picture again and did the same thing, except I erased the left horn. Finally, I cropped the picture a little, and merged all my layers.