Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I made this off of a picture I found online. I used a lot of layers (background, tree, grass, balloons) so I could easily erase mistakes.

The background and grass were done entirely with the airbrush and smug tools. I airbrushed colors in then I'd smug over it to make it look less choppy, and then I'd take the airbrush to it again. The key to all the airbrushing I did was turning the opacity down; it allows the colors to blend and look more natural.

The tree is a combination of the airbrush and paintbrush. I painted the main color in with a round brush then put in secondary colors with the calligraphy-shaped brush. These were smudged together, and then I went over it again with the calligraphy brush; that's what makes the tree look scribbly.

The balloons were painted in with very small paintbrush. To add the highlights and shadows on the balloons, I zoomed in 200% on the image and used a very small airbrush in either dark gray, black, or white. I tried to use the paintbrush but the opacity of the paint didn't look right. The balloon basket was done with one of the specialty paintbrushes in opaque paint.


  1. The picture is really well done, and I especially like the balloons. Thanks for mentioning the turning down the opacity, I will have to try that.

  2. THIS IS AWESOME! its sooo well drawn. Can i have your skill, please? haha

  3. The style for making the sky, tree, and ground are unique and I like the style. Good job making it look realistic.

  4. Thanks. Sarah, I'd give you some skill but you already have it.

  5. Nice job Katy! And thanks for the advice on making the balloons. I'll have to remember that next time I'm making something balloony/bubbly because I've had some trouble with that.

  6. Thanks you guys, and your welcome.
