Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gingerbread house!

What i did was to first decide where the horizon would be and drew a straight line with the paintbrush. From there I filled the sky in with blue with the airbrush, then smudged it for a more real look. Then I filled in the grass by going line by line with the paintbrush, and drawing a straight line(pressing shift). Next, I drew a path up from the bottom to about where I envisioned the house would be. I drew two straight gray lines with the paintbrush, then for the rocks i drew oval shapes and filled them in with the airbrush. Then I drew the house by
drawing four straight lines in brown, then I drew a triangular one for the roof. I drew a squiggly line in white for the frosting roof. I filled the roof in with "gumdrops" by choosing different colors and drawing circles. To get the shiny, sprinkle-like effect I selected the confetti tool and sporadically clicked. For the candy cane windows, I draw four lines in red for each, then in a light blue i added diagonally lines. The two candy canes on each roof were made by drawing a candy cane shape with the paintbrush in light blue and adding blue stripes.

I could not decide how I wanted to a do door so i decided to fill in the exterior with graham crackers. I drew squares with a light brown in paintbrush, and filled them in with the air brush. For the holes, I zoomed into 200% and drew circles with black. I did the fence with a straight white line and drew the fence posts with paintbrush. I added cliffs by drawing in brown and filling it in. The clouds i did by drawing cloud shapes and filling and smudging in the white.


  1. OH NO NOT THE GUM DROP BUTTONS :O ahahah dude i love this, you did a really good job, i wish i could draw a ginger bread house like you [: honestly, you should be an architect, and build me a house like that :D i like the effects of the colors and how they mix together nicely, and the fence is divine ;D

  2. It's really cute. You did a lot of detail work. I especially like the gumdrops with the sparkles. You've got good texture in the walkway. The thing that jumps out the most is the lack of texture in the grass; it's all one color. Good job on all the work.

  3. why thank you lee! I had the idea to do it since last week but i wasn't sure exactly how to do it. I'm glad it came together well

  4. thanks! if i had more time i probably would have gone back and done some shading in the grass.
