Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The picture that I created was extremely hard to do. Well actually, it was the girl that was the hardest. What I had to do was, start the background. I used one of the patterns that was already on Gimp. Then, I added some clouds and began to smudge it all together to look more realistic. I made some trees next. I used the calligraphy brush to make the trunks. For the leaves, I used one of the brushes that was more faint. I added a bunch of different greens to add texture, and to also make it look more realistic. The one tree I did that was slanted, was to give a windy effect to the scene. The ground was just browns that I blended all together.
The girl on the other hand, was much more complex. I had to make her on a completely different layer that was transparent so that when I copied her, I wouldn't see anything else other than her. I had to start with the skin on her face. I zoomed in so that I could get the basic outline of what her head was going to look like. I used a couple different skin tones to make her look realistic. Then, I added the hair with a brush that was also more vague than a regular paint brush. I then, worked on her facial details. Then I used the paint brush to do the outline of her dress, then colored it in with a larger brush when I was happy with how it looked. I then added arms, hands, legs, and feet. the limbs were easy to paint. The more challenging part was the feet. I had to shade in the bottom of her foot so that you would be able to tell what the underside of her foot was. I added a ribbon, and then, I was happy with how she looked.
I had to select her, and then paste her on the background that I had originally made for her.
I made her shadow by pasting her onto a new layer, and turning her black and white. I then, blended colors to make it look more even.
I didn't want the shadow to look perfect though. I was going for a rougher look because I wanted it to represent the old body/ person that she was. The girl that you see is the new girl who changed her life for the better. She's renewed.


  1. I really like one of the trees because it looks like it is actually blowing in the wind. Also I can tell you spent some quality time on the girl, she is really detailed. good job!

  2. Thank you guys! She was extremely hard to draw, but well worth it! :]

  3. I really like how the girl turned out. How were you able to select just her, copy, and paste her onto a new layer? I must be doing the selection wrong because I haven't been able to get any to work.

  4. i created her on a separate picture, then selected her, and added her to my picture by copying and pasting her. i think... haha

  5. Sarah, I really like how much you put a direction in the picture. With the wind, the shadows, and the leaves all heading the same direction, you really created a uniform picture.

  6. Thank you! it took quite some time, but, it was worth it!

  7. This is fantastic! I especially like the girl's hair, it's really hard to do even when it's not moving

  8. That technique finally worked for me too. Thanks!
