Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shoopus Mah Whoopus!

Okay, this picture was inspired by a short online video compilation called "The Lazer Collection". If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching it sometime. The guy who made it knows his stuff. To make this, I used a picture of Daniel Radcliffe from the Harry Potter movies in one of his signature "spell casting" poses, then pasted the signature gigantic mouth at the tip of his wand using the resizing and move tools. After that, I found another picture of a laser, then pasted that using the same method as I did the mouth, so it would look as the the mouth was "Firin' his lazor" from his mouth. I chose to put in the captions above for added effect using the icanhascheezburger.com lolbuilder. I also recommend taking a look at that site as well if you haven't. You'll find that there are much better ways to spend your study halls.

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