Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm not sure where i got the inspiration for this picture. All in all I believe it looks alright. I started by creating the walls, which is pretty self explanatory on how to make. I then drew the picture, tv, and dresser. I made the carpeted floor by leaving it white and putting blots of gray in there, and then smudging it in. I drew the glasses by creating a new layer and drawing ovals, which i then duplicated and drew arms onto. I then used the blur tool to blur the objects showing inside the lenses to create a "hazy" look.


  1. The blur looks really good; you could probably use it for anything glass. I keep forgetting all the features Gimp has to paint with.

  2. This is cooool. butttt, is it suppose to be blurry when you look into the glasses? i thought they were suppose to clear things up??
