Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It took me awhile to figure out exactly what I wanted to draw, and finally I decided on a tornado, because I thought a lightning/thunder storm would be too difficult. I started off with a light colored back ground, and took the paint brush and a dark-grayish color to create the clouds and tornado. I took a lighter gray color to the clouds and smudged it with the dark color already there. I added some brownish-gold color to the funnel of the tornado to make it look like it had picked up some dirt along the way. I then started working on the sky in the background, as I had forgotten to do the distance objects first. I took a pinkish color for the background of that and added a more purple-ish color. I then smudged it to look more realistic. Around the time I was getting to the ground of my picture a fellow classmate mentioned the airbrush and I started using that to add in the green and lighter tones of brown in the ground. Now that I look at it, my horizon is a little bit crooked, but what can you expect on my first drawing? I'm better at ACTUAL drawings then computer drawn...


  1. I really like how you made the tornado; it looks twisted and moving. The airbrush and smug tool turned out to be very successful for you. The one thing I might suggest (and this is a composition issue not a computer technical thing) is that you put something on the ground. As of now I have a hard time deciphering the background from the foreground because they blend together. I do really like the texture you created for the ground. It looks like grass, but it's not solid green.

  2. I know now that I need to go the ground before I start working on the tornado, so I'll do that in the future. And I didn't really know what to put on the ground and I wanted to put something on the blog, so I put it up as finished. Thanks for your comment.
