Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bird and Horizon

This picture, I am still unsatisfied with simply because of the sun. I tried to make it appear as a sort of radiant sunset, but it looks kind like there is a circle of clouds surrounding it. Any help or tool recommendations would be highly appreciated. The clouds were made using the airbrush tool (Thank you Deanna) and smudge tool, to make the edges more puffy. The dead tree limbs and bird were made with the circle brush and lots of zooming. The bird was probably the hardest thing to do because I couldn't quite get the shape right, and it kept coming out very squiggly. But, hey it's done.


  1. nice job cody! The tree and the bird are really good and I can see what you were getting at with the sun.

  2. I think it's nice too Cody! If you're unhappy with the sun, I'd recommend the dodge/burn tool. Dodge makes things a shade lighter. Maybe try making the size of your paint brush as large as you want that radiant sunset to be, and click once. Then make the size of the brush a little smaller and click twice. Keep making the size of the brush smaller and clicking more and more times. Then if it's uneven you could blend some more. I did something like that in a picture I don't have up yet, and it worked pretty well for me :)

  3. Cody, I really like this. The bird looks really good, not too squiggly. The branches are my favorite part though. You did a really good job with the varying thicknesses.

  4. It's beautiful. The fuzziness of the sun doesn't bother me at all because the focus of the picture is the silhouette of the tree and the bird. I would be extremely happy to have that much of a steady hand for the tree and bird. You say it's squiggly, but when you zoom in on the picture it looks perfectly steady. Great job artistically and technically.
