Friday, September 18, 2009

Lady Gaga

So I thought this was pretty neat. I took a picture of lady gaga performing at the VMA'S last week, and decided to smudge it out and see what i could make it look like. The only tool I used was the smudging tool, and all i did was change the opacity levels. I think It looks kinda cool :] Lady Gaga FTW :D


  1. Too bad MTV couldn't smudge her out for the actual performance eh?

  2. Uhmmm, What ever curran, she did better then all the other acts at the vma's, everyone elses voices sucked because they cant edit voices live, she actually sounded good and has a good fan base.

  3. This is epic. The smudging one looks like 2 eyes and a face. And the original looks like she's on her period, but the uterus is located in her bosom. Just to throw that out there. :]

  4. Nice, Deanna. I like the original the most :D her performance was spectacular :O

  5. The only parts of VMA i really liked were when the mic was stolen by and Kanye West and then Obama called him a jackass.

  6. Lee this is a cool picture, I like how you took a real image and just smudged it. Also how you can still sort of tell what it used to. Did a nice job.
