Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chibi Girl


I am big into anime and manga (Japanese shows and comics) and I went online trying to find easy 'chibi' pictures to draw. Chibi means short or small, generally cute person. I came across a bunch of different pictures and saw that there was a 'How To Draw Chibi' and I went from that. I first drew here head, disporportionate to her body with the ellipse tool and then added the eyes with the paintbrush. I drew her body, but not her hand with the paintbrush tool. I added her shirt, and colored it in with a purple color after zooming in. I then drew in her pants as a gray color and her shoes as black. I zoomed in a little more and drew her open hand with the smallestt round paintbrush there was and went back over it with the second smallest, so it wouldn't look as weird. I then drew in her hair, deciding on a yellow color, aadding the sterotypical cowlick at the top. Not liking the way it looked at added hues of a darker yellow with the airbursh tool and then added some white to it as well.

I then outlined her with the free select tool and and opened a new picture. I added the gradient 'sunset' or something like that from the top to the bottom. I took her and pasted her on the picture and positioned her, so she looked like she was standing on the ground. She had a white outline around her still so I zoomed in and started using the color pick tool to get the colors of the sunset and painted in the white spots around her. I took the smudged tool to the outside of her, so it didn't look messy. I realized that she didn't look good with white skin and found a shade of tan than didn't look good zoomed in, but looked good when you zoom out to this size. I used the airbrush tool and the white color to add some depth to her skin color. And that's my chibi girl. I could probably draw one a lot better though...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my good golly goodness, this is amazing, it looks like a little jap jap from an anime :D you did a good job on this one, Mary :]
