Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This is a sample work for the class created by the instructor.  I primarily used the smudge tool to blend colors with the surroundings.  This gives the work a bit of a hazy look, which is what I was looking for, as it is supposed to be a misty morning on the pond.  The clouds were done first, and have multiple tones to create the look of an overcast sky.  The mountains are probably my least favorite part of the work.  They were very difficult to create, and if I were to do it again, I expect I would need to work on the technique a bit first.  I like the little bush on the left.  This is supposed to be early spring before leaves have come out, so the branches are giving an impression of a hearty bush on the shore of the pond.  The water was tricky as well.  Looking back at this work, I would probably do a shading difference from far to close, so that the distance of the pond would be a bit clearer.  Overall, not being much of an artist, I found this to be an encouraging first try at this tool and the techniques I used here.

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