Friday, September 4, 2009

A few pictures.

I've been using my laptop to make these, which means I've been stuck using a scratchpad the whole time. Anywhom, this is what I have done so far.

Gray picture with bench: This is the 1st picture I made from scratch using GIMP. Basically, what I did was a bunch of layering. I 1st put in an all gray background with the bucket fill. Then I took the paintbrush and drew the trees, making the trunks the thickest and the branches smaller and smaller as they reached out. [Which was super fun using a laptop's touchpad....] Then once I had the trees in the back done, I took the airbrush and set the pressure to a very low level, somewhere around 2. I sprayed for a while until I got a misty look. Then I did the large tree in a similar fashion as the others. I used the confetti brush to make it look like leaves or teeny branches in the tree. For the ground I just sprayed in some black and smudged. For the bench, I used the shift key to make straight lines. To shade it, I used the dodge and burn tool. I burned where I wanted the shading to be, so as to not mess up the lines I made with smudging or painting over the bench. I think that's about it. :]

Clouds and blue sky: This was pretty simple. I used the blend tool to do the background, but I chose my own colors. I picked a dark then light blue, then decided how much of each I was going to use. Then I put in big splashes of white and smudged it to make the general shape of the clouds. Then I took the airbrush and put it on a very light setting to darken up the clouds and give them more texture. I also took the paintbrush tool and outlined the clouds with a white color. Then I took the airbrush to blend the colors together. For the ground, I just used the pencil sketch paintbrush head to make it look somewhat like african scrub.

1 comment:

  1. quite're amazing at this. and im jealous of your godliness. Theyre both realllyy awesome. Good job! :]
