Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This picture is of a stormy sea. I used the airbrush with dark gray colors of varying darkness and 95% opacity to make the clouds, then smudged it to give it blurry cloudy realism. Then I highlighted it with some lighter grays to give it some depth. The water was painted using a dark blue, then I airbrushed it with a pressure around 1 and an opacity around 80 with lighter and darker blues to give it depth, and drew thin white lines and smudged them in to sharpen the waves. The lightning was trickier, I used a paintbrush and an almost white color (255 blue, 250 green, 250 red) to make the shape (which took a surprisingly long time until I glanced at Kurt's picture of lightning so I got a better idea). Then I zoomed in to 800% and smudged the very edges of the bigger bolts and the tips of all of them to make them look more jagged and realistic. Then I used the airbrush to highlight the origin of the lightning to give it a source. And Deanna is awesome, and her smoking banana picture should be allowed to be posted.

1 comment:

  1. Nice title.

    I like the way you made the lightening jagged but smudgey at the same time. The waves are also good, because they're going all over the place, like it would actually be in a storm. The only thing this is missing is a shirtless indian in a canoe.
