Monday, September 14, 2009


I started out by drawing the walls and ceiling, I did this by drawing a square and the connecting the corners to the edges of the picture. Then I colored the three inner walls red and the floor and ceiling an off white. Then i drew the bed, and the dresser, along with the TV on top of it. After that I decided to draw a poster to add something to the walls.


  1. This is an alright picture. But right off I can tell you that this room needs a little more depth than it already has. It's a little weird looking at this room and seeing that the ceiling and floor are the same color, you might want to want the floor a carpet like color next time. It basically looks like the ceiling and floor are reflecting each other. The objects in the room are nicely drawn, but the look flat and unrealistic. For instance your dresser stops exactly above the black line where the wall and floor meet. If a real dresser was sitting against a wall we wouldn't be able to see that 'corner'. The dresser also seems a little high, because of the T.V. on top of it is nearly touching the ceiling.

    Besides that, this picture is very neat and clean, and the bed does look realistic, they just look flat. Good job.

  2. Thanks for the tips on the depth and changing the color of the floor to make it more realistic. If I go back and edit this picture I'll be sure to take your advice.


  3. Yes, it's flat, but I don't mind. It reminds we of a blueprint for a room, and blueprints are flat.
