Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Glacier scene

This picture originally started out as an ocean scene. For the sky, I used the airbrush tool with varying pressure to get the blue with highlights in the sky. Then I went over it with the smudge tool to get a smoother effect. At first for the skyline on the glacier, I outlined with a blue. Then alternating between the paintbrush and the smudge tool I smoothed it in to get the highlighted effect. For the seal, I used a transparent layer and made the outline of the seal. I filled in the head using the airbrush and smudge tool. For the face i used paintbrush with a small circle for the nose, whiskers, and eyes.


  1. Haha, very nice job. I especially like the random seal on the side.

  2. haha thanks! The seal adds a bit of cuteness to it :)

  3. I really like your sky and glacier, but the seal seems just bit out of place, mostly meaning that it doesn't look as realistic. It also blends into the rest of the white of that part of that closer glacier. The technique you used for ice is really good and the different shades of color is well thought out too. Good job.

  4. Thanks. The seal was actually a last minute addition, just to kind of add a different element to the picture. Also what I tried to do was make the color of the glacier bluish, but i agree it does still blend in a bit too much.
