Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Alright so what I did here was I took a picture of me apple picking (again) and edited it up to make it look really cool :D Basically all I really did was zoom in and color in my eyes to the blue color, I thought it looked really neat, i also made it more transparent. Then I went over to the apple, wrote on it, put the green color on for the veins of the leaves and then i went and smudged out the background to make it look sort of like a pastel painting. I think it's quite neat.


  1. I like this Lee! If i didn't actually know what your eye color was, I might think it was that blue :) My only problem is I can't tell what you wrote on the apple!

  2. Yeah. The writing on the apple is a little unclear. I really liked how you smudged your jacket and left your shirt/face unsmudged. It really made your face and apple the focuses of the picture.

  3. I like the soft-focus, white effect of the picture. The smudging is a huge benefit, but be careful of the direction you smudge in. The background and the right side of your coat are good, but the left side is in the wrong direction. Nit-picky, I know, but I think it detracts attention away from the aspect.
