Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pot of gold and other things

For the beach, I started out with the waves. I used three lines of each blue and two for the black. I placed a dot at the edge of the picture then pressed shift(so I could draw a straight line) then dragged until the other end of the picture. The very top layer is the sky and i did the same thing. For the stars I used a small circle with white. Then I switched to a light brown/tan for the beach using paint and the smudge tool. For the tree trunks, I drew a palm tree trunk and filled it in with paint/ diagonal star. For the fronds, i used the diagonal star with green and for the hammock I used paint and the diagonal star.

For this rainbow picture, I started with the grass, using a light forest green and I used the calligraphy brush. Then, I used the airbrush and smudge tool to lighten the sky. The rainbow, i selected each color, marked a place at the top right with a dot(using paintbrush), then I pressed shift and drew a line from the dot to the desired location. I repeated this for all of the colors. I made the pot of gold by using on of the small circle tools and made a semi-oval shape and filled it in. For the top, i used shift with paint to smooth over the top. For the "coins" I drew a circle with yellow and then filled it in. On the cloud i drew a cloud shape, then filled it in with the airbrush and for the sun I drew a yellow circle.

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