Thursday, September 10, 2009

Optical Illusion 1

I really like optical illusions and instead of using the typical black and white squares for this one, I used contrasting pink and purple, hoping for a similar effect. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to achieve that. I wanted to practice the straight lines feature in Gimp so I started off by drawing the purple lines horizontally and then vertically, keeping them at an equal distance from the next. Not really liking the idea of having to fill in EVERY SINGLE square I had made, I took the bucket fill tool to the pictures, speeding up the process. I had to fix a few of the odd looking boxes with the rectangular select tool and paintbrush. Around this time, I didn't like what I had drawn, so I took the smudge tool to my drawing and now that I look at it, it looks like the smudge effect created a sort of circle in the middle of the drawing. A simple display, but I liked it, and I have another optical illusion I copied from on my home computer, that I'll put up tonight.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good idea to use pink and purple for your colors because they really pop. I also can kind of see the circle in the middle of the drawing. Good job.
