Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Moss Man

This picture was fairly hard to make, mainly because I'm not used to drawing people, and making the overall outline of the man was tricky, since it's quite hard to hold the brush steady while drawing curves. After I finished the outline, I filled it in as best I could with a dark green/ light green gradient, which really only covered part of his face, but allowed me to start the rest of him as well. I mainly used the galaxy brush to fill in the darker green and light yellow parts of him, such as on his head and shoulders. For the mossy effect where it is turning to flesh, I used the smudge tool as well as the sand dunes brush. The countenance was the hardest part of all, again because of making curves and positioning them just right so that they were proportionate to each other. The lambs and trees were made using the airbrush tool, and changing the opacity from high to low until they seemed to go well with the rest of the picture. Overall though, I'm a little unhappy with the way this came out because it's not as realistic as I want it to be. If anyone could give me some tips to help me make this piece more "realistic", I would very much appreciate it.


  1. Cody, I really like this. I almost think it doesn't have to be more "realistic." The guy is green; he isn't realistic. But I really like your shadowing under the neck. You were able to create a definite chin w/out having to draw it out.

  2. This is really creative Cody! The man by himself is cool, but I really liked how you added the lambs and the trees; it gives nice intricate detail to it.

  3. It's pretty impressive realistic-wise already. I think the thing that makes it looks a little off is the simplicity of the mouth and eyes. Otherwise the shading on the "countenance" (good word) is pretty good. I really like how you didn't make the moss all one color; it looks variegated and fuzzy. I love the sheep.

  4. Thanks you guys! Katy, do you have any ideas on how I can make the eyes and mouth a little more complex? The black part of the mouth is supposed to be piece of the upper lip, but it sort of stands in out in a way that I don't like. Plus the eyes were sort of difficult because I wasn't sure how to make them look more "real".

  5. My best bet is to get a picture to work off of for the mouth and eyes.

    These are kind of the generic tricks of the trade for eyes: The main thing with the eyes is they're pure white; real eyes are just a tad bit yellowish. Try putting in some sort of colored iris. Make sure you put a speck of white in the pupil; and entirely black pupil creates a "dead" eye.

    I hope that helps. If not, it still is quite impressive as is.
