Thursday, September 24, 2009

This picture was originally Just the letter A I found online. I happen to be a fan of dance, so i decided to make a collage type thing with my first initial, the letter A. I spent a loooong time finding a ton of dance pictures and then used the erase tool to cut out parts of the images I didnt want or need, as well as the scale and paintbrush tool. I used the scale tool to make the images the sizes I wanted, and I used the paintbrush tool to do some freehand touch-ups on the photos to create a certain effect with some of the Images.


  1. This is a really cool idea using the dance pictures to fill a letter, I like the way that all the pictures roll into one another. Also the idea of using one big picture in the middle with little ones all around it is cool. I was wondering how you got different pictures to cover one photo or go under one photo?

  2. Alex, I really like this. I really like your use of the black and white and how every picture has a similar theme, but still unique. Good job!
