Monday, September 28, 2009

Eye Hands

This picture took me all of about ten minutes to do, but I noticed that there were a lot of pictures like this online that people had done with GIMP and I wanted to see what I would look like. Unfortunately, it didn't really come out as awesome as I thought it would, so I'm a little disappointed. But hey, at least I can say I did it. The procedure was fairly simple. First, I cut out my eyes from the first picture I took using the rectangle tool (one at a time) and pasted them onto my face. Then, I used the move and resize tools to get them into the right positions on my face. After that, I used Caleb's method of making the pasted layers into new layers and then adding a layer mask so as to remove the access on the eyes.


  1. Whoa, this one is really creepy but I like it, how did you manage to get the eyes to look like that through your hands? just by using two layers and then erasing eye shapes? or what?

  2. haha cody, I like this. It made me laugh and it looks pretty cool.

  3. This is a really cool picture. I think the reason you think it looks weird is the placement of the eyes. Next time you could try to make it so your eyes are on the back of you hands, farther away from your fingers. But good job!

  4. I think that it would look more realistic if you made your hands the ones on the foreground, and pasted them over your face and made them transparent where the eyes are. It would give it the depth that it needs to look real
