Thursday, September 10, 2009

Optical Illusion 2

Are the purple lines curved or straight?

As I mentioned previously, I enjoy optical illusions and got to practice with the straight line tool once again. I copied this picture from one I have on my home picture. It didn't come out perfectly, because the top purple line does look straight. First off, I used the fill tool and chose a yellowish-orange color for the background. I used the circle select tool and created the black circle in basically the middle of the picture. I took a very small circular paintbrush and the black color again and used shift for the straight lines coming out of the circle, giving the picture depth and perception. Once finished with those I took a fairly bigger circle paintbrush and made straight purple lines. So the answer to the question is 'Yes, the lines are straight'. I think if I had brought the top purple line down, closer to the circle that it would look more like an optical illusion.


  1. Did you draw them straight? If you did then the lines are straight but our eyes see it along with the background and assume its curved.

  2. Yes, I drew them straight Curran. If you read my description, I said that the lines were drawn straight. I just need to pull the upper purple one closer to circle next time.
