Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

I did this one solely to play around with some tools--layers, gradients, and the paths tool.

The path's tool enabled me to get a flowing scribble. To use the tool put in the basic straight outline. Once you're done putting in the pivot points (they are the little circles that come up with you put in the lines) you are able to select certain line segments and change them to curves just by dragging the section around. If you click out of paths right now everything you drew would go away. To get the outline to stay, you have to go to Stroke Path (under the tool), select the tool you want to use (for me, paintbrush). You have to have the tool already set up with the color before you set the stroke path.

I played around with the text box. No matter what I did I was not able to get the dotted line around the box to go away.

I had a lot of fun with the gradients. I played around with the opacity of the gradient and the direction of the gradient. There's a box next to the gradient which changes the direction. I haven't played around with the shapes under the gradient, but they look pretty cool.

I still need to figure out the move and select functions. I tried playing around with them when I made this but I couldn't get it to work.

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