Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wedding Cake

For this one, I decided to do a wedding cake, based on the second photo. Though the black background was hard to work with when it came to the edges and smudging, I chose it for the contrast it would have with the cake, which is mostly white. First, I made the basic shape of the cake, two short cylinders on top of each other. Then I had to shade to create more depth. The shading on the side of the layers was much easier than that on top. On the side, I put a few lines of black in using the airbrush and decreasing the opacity. I then used horizontal shading, making it darker as the side curves around. For the top of the bottom layer, I shaded around the base of the top layer, smudging it and trying to extend it to where the edge drops. It didn't work as well as I wanted it to. For the top of the top layer, I actually forgot to fill in the top with white, realized the remaining line of black kind of worked, and so I just smudged it in.

The decorations were harder. I zoomed in for this whole part, ususally at 200%, but sometimes at 400%. Because I was doing almost all of this with the paint brush, it came down to a lot of Ctl-Z's. To draw the main part of each stem, I used the paths tool (Katie showed it to me). I would draw the line, play with it a bit, and then "stroke the path." I then would use the paintbrush to create the leaves and the different flowers. At one point, I drew a leaf that I really liked, but I realized that I had drawn it parallel to the leaf right next to it, and I wanted a little more variation. So I used the Scissors Select tool to select the leaf, and then used the Rotate and Move tools to put it where I wanted it, without having to redraw the whole leaf. When I had finished with all the decorations, I wanted to clean up the edges of the cake. So I used the straight line (Shift - Paintbrush) to draw black along the edges of the cake, creating a more streamline edge. And I ended up with my cake!


  1. Wow, this is really amazing, kudo's to you :] i wish i had talent :[

  2. How did you get the Scissors Select, Move, and Rotate tools to work? I've tried on sample pieces to get them to work, but all I get is blinking lines that don't go away!

  3. Thanks! And Katy, I would select them with Scissors, carefully getting the whole image (this took some time!). When you finally loop all the way around, you can select it, and then choose the different tools (Move, Rotate, etc.). Use the rectangular select to go back to the whole image when you are done.

  4. Thanks Abdul! And good job Katy!
